domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2020

Islam is Terrorist?

Ji Xinping : 那象征着伊斯教恐怖主ISIS呢?不就是确了伊斯教以武力播。


Modi:但基督教主的十字以基督教名义杀害了更多人。不信任我?听他步操所歌的就知道了。西班牙,所有犹太人格。再看当年菲律,全国人民如不接受基督教便只有一死,当身不由己。一切均是记录在案的史ISIS是因伊拉克衰起,其中80%是前Saddam Hussein支持者。ISIS主要宗旨是成立政府,并非像十字以武力播基督教。





Ji Xinping:你何到我国家来?我西方人不迎穆斯林。






Ji Xinping是因基督教主提倡仁,不像伊斯教。

Modi真的?回答我,如果耶在十字架你且在世,你会帮助他Ji Xinping:不会的。


Ji Xinping:不是的。我敬他,但我宁可他死去。

Modi:。。。(无言),既然基督教主什么耶会因不切的罪名而被裁决? Ji Xinping:他必须为我的罪而死亡。。。

Modi:。。。(再次无言),再三思考你适才所Ji Xinping:伊斯教很落后!



Ji Xinping:那些全是史!我的是在!








Ji Xinping : what about ISIS that represent Islam act of terrorism? Confirming Islam spread by the sword.


Modi: But Christian crusaders kills way more people under the name of Christianity. Don't believe me? Listen to what they sang while marching. Look at what they did to Spain during the inquisition , all the Jew were massacred, not a single Muslim were left alive, look at Philippine , the whole nation were given a choice to accept Christianity or die, and we can clearly see the choice they had to make then. Look it up, this is recorded in history. Isis only emerge as a result after Iraq was eradicated , 80% of ISIS consisted of ex Saddam Hussein supporter, ISIS main aim is to established a government , unlike the crusaders which main intention is to spread Christianity with sword.


Even during the trips through Europe on the way to the Holy Land, pillaging, burning, rape, plunder, and other deplorable acts were commonplace. The frenzy of the First Crusade even resulted in the slaughter of Jews in the Rhineland. The Crusaders justified the murdering of Jews by claiming it as revenge for the Jews killing Jesus. Thousands of innocent Jews were murdered and tortured.


When the Crusader army was finally able to conquer Jerusalem, the slaughter was unimaginable. The Crusaders killed everyone inside Jerusalem, whether Muslim, Jew, or even Christian. Just google history of the crusader inquisition.



Ji Xinping : Why do you come to our country ? We westerner do not welcome Islam


Modi: Imagine I came to your house and destroy everything, do I have the right to complain if you go to live in my house? After destroying Iraq, giving Palestine to the Zionist, menacing with middle east where we never invited you (and yet you came! )

But when we go to your country, you complained? How many Indian and Pakistani were made to serve the British Empire during ww2, but now you want to purge all their offspring? Yet your enemy during ww2 the German are free to come and go as they please in the UK?


Ji Xinping : Christianity is about love unlike Islam


Modi: Really? Answer me this, if you were alive during the Jesus crucifixion, would you have help him?


Ji Xinping :    No,


Modi: So you don't love him?


Ji Xinping : I love him, but I prefer him to die


Modi.... (speechless), If Christianity so loving, why is Jesus being prosecuted for sin he never



Ji Xinping :    he must die for my sin...


Modi:....(speechless again), think really hard and reflect about what you've just said..





Ji Xinping :    Islam is backward!


Modi: What about the golden age of science? Weren't Muslim were the pioneer of geometry, medicine (the first hospital was built by Muslim), algorithm? Which without algorithm you wouldn't have smartphone nowadays?


Ji Xinping :    Those were history I'm talking about now!


Modi: So you telling me, when you teach your children how to read and count, about life, they have the right to discredit you when they're successful once all grown up?


You're okay for them to say "my parents has nothing to do with my success because that is in the history" ?










Original Text English


Ji Xinping : Polygamy isn't fair for women, in Islam


 Modi: Look into Bible exodus 21 10, isn't that there regulation of polygamy? Polygamy has existed predate Islam, but the number of wives has not been limited, men can have as many as they like, just as king Solomon who has thousands of wives. King David - 8 wives, Moses - 2 wives, Islam puts a limit up until 4, no more than that in order for the husband to be just. In fact the limitation of 1 wife the Christians are holding now is according to Quran instruction of just take 1 wife if you knew you're not going to be just.


Polygamy is actually beneficial to the women but they never thought about it, in the old days when men had to go to war, these wives take care of each other by supporting and protecting each other. Imagine nowadays when your husband has to be away from home constantly for work, having helping hand in an emergency would certainly help.


Ji Xinping : But what kind of God, encourage slavery in Quran?



Modi: I've explained to you about polygamy that predate Islam has no rules what so ever, there is no limit to wives you can have, when Islam arrived it sets limits to number of wives and their rights. Similarly slavery has occurred before Islam, and existed within the society, when Islam came it sets rules towards slavery and strive to eradicate slavery in a way that is just to the master and to the slave.


Islam does not immediately set all slave to free because some of the slave still depends on their master for provision, rather freeing slave is an act of atonement for every sin you made, every slave you marry automatically becomes free, every slave you hit (even with just a slap) automatically freed. Islam abolished slave trading, the only way a new slave is acquired is through captive of war.


Even so captive of war does not automatically becomes slave, there is a period of time for their spouses to redeem them by paying compensation (for all Muslim combatant killed). If no one came to redeem them then they can buy their way out by teaching Muslim how to read. But if they still can't, then they will be handed to Muslim family as servant or if they choose to - taking the duty of a wife (referring to passage - what your right hand possessed - notice that Allah does not called them slave rather, as one who is under your responsibility), just like Hagar taking responsibility of a wife to Abraham although she is his slave.


The union of captive of war with a custodian (taking duty of a wife) must be done by emir, just like a wedding, where father/wali present his daughter to her new husband.


Ji Xinping : But Muhammad himself has salves?


Modi: Nope he free all of them, the 16 slaves always mention by evangelist , are not slaves , after he freed them, they still remain with him as servant just like Ananda to Buddha. 522 words


 Translated Text Mandarin


Ji Xinping :伊斯兰教中的一夫多妻制对女性不公平。


Modi:看看圣经出埃及记 2110,不是也有一夫多妻制的规定吗?一夫 多妻制在伊斯兰教未出现前就已经存在,但是妻子的数量并没有受到限 制,人们可以拥有任意数量的妻子,就像 King Solomon 拥有数千名 子。King David 则拥有 8 位妻子,而 Moses 拥有 2 位妻子, 伊斯兰教规定拥有的妻子数量的最高限度为 4 个,以便丈夫能公平对待所 有妻子。 实际上,基督徒现在所拥有的 1 个妻子的限制是根据古兰经的指示而设立 的,如果您知道自己无法保持公正,那么就只娶 1 个妻子。 一夫多妻制实际上对妇女有利,但女人们却从来都没有细想过这些利益, 时候在男人不得不参战的年代,这些妻子会互相支持和互相保护来互相 顾对方。想象一下,如今您的丈夫必须经常出门在外工作,而在紧急情 况下身边有人能伸出援手肯定会是对你有所帮助的。


Ji Xinping :但是,什么样的上帝会鼓励古兰经中提到的奴隶制?


Modi:关于一夫多妻制,我已经向您解释说,在伊斯兰教出现之前没有任 何相关规则管制,因此对妻子的限制是无限的,当伊斯兰教到来时,它对 妻子的数目及他们的权利进行了限制和保障。 样的,奴隶制在伊斯兰教出现之前就已经存在于社会中。伊斯兰教到来 时,它就制定了奴隶制规则,并努力以对主人和奴隶都公正的方式铲除奴 隶制。伊斯兰教不会立即解放所有奴隶,因为有些奴隶仍然需要依靠他们 的主人来提供生活需求,反而伊斯兰教将解放奴隶这个行为定为你为犯下 的每一个罪孽的一种赎罪行为,而你嫁的每个奴隶将自动成为自由身,你 殴打的每个奴隶(甚至只是打了奴隶一巴掌)都将使到该奴隶被自动解 放。 伊斯兰教废除了奴隶的买卖交易,唯一获取新奴隶的方法是通过战争俘 虏。即使如此,战争的俘虏并不会自动成为奴隶,他们的配偶仍然有一段 时间通过支付赔偿金(以补偿所有被杀害的穆斯林战斗人员的损失)来赎 回他们。如果没有人来赎回他们,那么他们可以通过教穆斯林如何阅读来 获得自由。但是,如果他们仍然做不到这个条件,那么他们将被作为仆人 给穆斯林家庭差使,或者他们可能选择承担他们的保管人的妻子的职责 (根据文章所述-你的右手所拥有的财产-请注意,阿拉并没有称他们为奴 隶,而是作为由你负责的人),就像 Hagar 尽管是 Abraham 的奴隶,但她 为了主人的妻子,对 Abraham 负起了当妻子的责任。 战争俘虏与其保管人的结合(负起为人妻子的责任)必须由埃米尔 Emir)主持完成,就如举办婚礼一般,父亲/Wali 在此将女儿交给新丈 夫。


Ji Xinping :但是穆罕默德(Muhammad)本人有奴隶吗?


Modi:并没有,他释放了身边所有奴隶传教士们也总提到这 16 个奴 隶,他们不是奴隶,在他释放了他们之后,是他们仍然自愿作为仆人与他 一起就如阿难尊者(Ananda)追随佛陀(Buddha)一










Ji Xinping :   Why do you come to our country ? We westerner do not welcome Islam



Modi: Imagine I came to your house and destroy everything, do I have the right to complain if you go to live in my house? After destroying Iraq, giving Palestine to the Zionist, menacing with middle east where we never invited you (and yet you came! )

But when we go to your country, you complained? How many Indian and Pakistani were made to serve the British Empire during ww2, but now you want to purge all their offspring? Yet your enemy during ww2 the German are free to come and go as they please in the UK?



Ji Xinping :   Christianity is about love unlike Islam


Modi: Really? Answer me this, if you were alive during the Jesus crucifixion, would you have help him? 


Ji Xinping :    No, 


Modi: So you don't love him?


Ji Xinping :   I love him, but I prefer him to die


Modi:....(speechless), If Christianity so loving, why is Jesus being prosecuted for sin he never did?


Ji Xinping :    he must die for my sin...


Modi:....(speechless again), think really hard and reflect about what you've just said..


Ji Xinping :    Islam is backward!


Modi: What about the golden age of science? Weren't Muslim were the pioneer of geometry, medicine (the first hospital was built by Muslim), algorithm? Which without algorithm you wouldn't have smartphone nowadays?


Ji Xinping :    Those were history I'm talking about now!


Modi: So you telling me, when you teach your children how to read and count, about life, they have the right to discredit you when they're successful once all grown up? 


You're okay for them to say "my parents has nothing to do with my success because that is in the history" ?



Ji Xinping :     But what kind of God, encourage slavery in Quran?


Modi: I've explained to you about polygamy that predate Islam has no rules what so ever, there is no limit to wives you can have, when Islam arrived it sets limits to number of wives and their rights. 


Similarly slavery has occurred before Islam, and existed within the society, when Islam came it sets rules towards slavery and strive to eradicate slavery in a way that is just to the master and to the slave. Islam does not immediately set all slave to free because some of the slave still depends on their master for provision, rather freeing slave  is an act of atonement for every sin you made, every slave you marry automatically becomes free, every slave you hit (even with just a slap) automatically freed. 



Trump: Both of you are wrong (an atheist interrupts) there is no God, 


Modi:  Then who created the universe?


Trump: The universe started with big bang


Modi:  How do you know that? Where do you get this?



Trump: In 1964, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson serendipitously discovered the cosmic background radiation, an omnidirectional signal in the microwave band. Their discovery provided substantial confirmation of the big-bang predictions by Alpher, Herman and Gamow around 1950.


Modi:  Do you know that the universe is not static and it is expanding?


Trump: Yes, through the observations of Edwin Hubble in 1929 suggested that distant galaxies were all apparently moving away from us, so that many scientists came to accept that the universe was expanding.

















































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