viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012

Top news today: The Night the E.R. Staff Can Never Forget

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The Night the E.R. Staff Can Never Forget - Workers at one of the emergency rooms where many victims of a mass shooting arrived look back with pride at their performance and horror at the event.
Trending within the following companies
Nuance Communications
Nuance Communications
Barton Memorial Hospital
Breaking News: CMS publishes final Stage 2 Meaningful Use regulations - The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services this afternoon published the final rule for Stage 2 of the Meaningful Use program for electronic health records. You can view the final rule here. (.pdf) Check back with us soon for...
Trending in Hospital & Health Care within the following companies
Joint Commission
Joint Commission
Banner Health
Banner Health
San Francisco To Require Employers Pay More For Employee Health Care - Elsewhere, three major insurers in Connecticut are asking for rate increases of 13-14 percent for small business coverage.
Trending in Hospital & Health Care within the following companies
Schumacher Group
Schumacher Group
'Brush' sweeps human lungs clean - Scientists say the discovery of an internal "brush" that helps clear lungs of unwanted matter could help them understand more about lung diseases. A team from the University of North Carolina found that the brush-like layer pushes out sticky mucus and..
Hospitals blame reform, economy for layoffs - Cash-strapped hospitals across the country are sending out pink slips as they prepare for possible Medicare reimbursement cuts and state challenges to expanding Medicaid benefits under federal healthcare reform.
Wellness takes hold among large employers - and more sticks nudge workers toward health - Employee benefits make up one-third of employers' investments in workers, and companies are looking for positive ROI on that spend. Health benefits are the largest component of that spending, and are a major cost-management...
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