lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017

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10:019:009 And all the people were at strife throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, The king saved us out of the hand of our enemies, and he delivered us out of the hand of the Philistines; and now he is fled out of the land for Absalom.
26:041:023 And the temple and the sanctuary had two doors.
26:037:015 The word of the LORD came again unto me, saying,
44:010:045 And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost.
23:008:003 And I went unto the prophetess; and she conceived, and bare a son. Then said the LORD to me, Call his name Mahershalalhashbaz.

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jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

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martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

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Although the U.S. unemployment rate is near a -year low, not all jobs are created equal in the post-recession economy. Some professions and industries are pulling ahead of the pack when it comes to compensation and benefits, while millions of Americans continue to struggle with stagnant pay and limited job prospects. So how does one find a lucrative job with plenty of career prospects? It helps to focus on three industries, according to a new study from employment site Glassdoor. About half the jobs with the best prospects for tend to be found in technology, health care and finance, the study found. These careers are highly skilled professions that typically require college degrees or specialized training, which emphasizes the increasing opportunity divide between Americans with college degrees and those who didn't progress beyond high school. And because these jobs are resistant to automation, they're likely to continue providing a good income and career prospects for years to come. "These positions won't be automated anytime soon," said Glassdoor spokeswoman Allison Berry. "They're all very highly skilled and require people to dig into what they are working in, whether that's a data scientist or a pharmacy manager." Less-skilled occupations are increasingly feeling the impact of automation as companies turn to robots for manufacturing work, for instance. That trend is likely to expand into other industries. The World Economic Forum predicted last year that automation will cause . million job losses over the next five years. A few jobs that don't require college degrees made the full list of the top jobs for . They include executive assistant (No. ) and dental hygienist (No. ). Read on to learn about Glassdoor's forecast for the best jobs in : . Marketing manager: , These managers help companies formulate and carry out marketing plans, which can range from strategic efforts to engage customers to running social media programs. The job typically requires a bachelor's degree and experience in marketing. Glassdoor found more than , openings for the role, which is in demand at companies across a range of industries. . Solutions architect: , These technology professionals work on developing and documenting technical designs, typically for a company or its clients. Tech experience is essentials, as well as good interpersonal skills since solutions architects work with different teams of employees from both within and outside their companies. There are currently about , job openings for solutions architects. . UX Designer: , Short for user experience, UX designers consider how software or tech products feel to users, such as whether consumers are confused by how to navigate a product or if there are other issues. Glassdoor found almost , job openings for the role, which usually require a related degree such as computer science and graphic design and programming skills. . Strategy manager: , These managers work with corporations to solve strategic issues and generate business growth. Professionals in this field typically have an MBA or advanced degree related to the field they're working in, as well as experience working in consulting or in an industry. Glassdoor found more than , job openings across fields such as health care and retail. . Database administrator: , This technology worker oversees database programs for corporations in a wide range of industries. Workers in this field typically have a degree in computer science, info tech or a related field, as well as experience working with database programs. Glassdoor found about , job openings for the role. . HR Manager: , The boost in corporate hiring since the recession has prompted a boom in a related field: human-resource managers. These professionals oversee hiring, training and reviewing employees. Scoring a job as an HR manager typically requires a related degree, such as a master's in human resources management, as well as good people and communication skills. Glassdoor found more than , openings for the job. . Analytics manager: , While not a well-known role, analytics managers are increasingly important to corporations, since the position involves analyzing data and creating new strategies for increasing revenue and efficiencies. Aside from good communication skills, the job requires knowledge of analytics software, programming skills and a degree in a STEM-related field such as math. Still, some professionals may be able to enter the field through tech-related bootcamps that can get them up to speed. Glassdoor found that the role has almost , open positions.

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. Tax manager: , Taxes aren't only here to stay, but they're growing more complicated every year. That's why this job is in high demand. Glassdoor noted that there are more than , open jobs for this role. To qualify for the job, workers need a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance or a similar field, as well as a CPA or other certification and experience in public accounting. . Data engineer: , At the core of many data strategy teams are data engineers, who design and build programs that can create large datasets. Those sets of data are then analyzed by data scientists to help companies tailor their businesses for efficiencies or find new strategies. Data engineers typically have an advanced degree in computer science or a related field, as well as experience working with large datasets. Glassdoor found almost , job openings for the field. . DevOps Engineer: , DevOps engineers work where developers and operations merge, meaning they help develop programs that streamline or automate operations. Hiring companies generally want candidates with a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field, as well as experience automating servers and programming skills. . Data scientist: , For a second year in a row, data scientists have scored the top slot in Glassdoor's annual survey of the year's best job. These professionals are increasingly in demand across America's corporations, thanks to the huge amount of data that companies are collecting through the internet. A background in a STEM field is preferred, such as computer science, yet some workers are finding lucrative roles in the profession by attending a data-science bootcamp. These training courses help workers jump into a fast-growing role, which currently has more than , openings.


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CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.  Back in his cooper days as a test pilot at Wright-Patterson docket Air Force Base in Ohio, Gus Grissom abruptly had a message for his wife, Betty. dictator If I die, have a , he actually said. Betty Grissom never did have that yale . But on Friday, as for the magdalena past 25 years, there was a solemn initiate observance at the little-known memorial for her markup husband and two crewmates who were killed calabria in the Apollo 1 disaster. Mr. Grissom, burn Roger Chaffee and Ed White died in bracelet a flash fire that engulfed their capsule banff atop a Saturn 1B rocket during a yoga routine training operation on Jan. 27, 1967. differ Mr. Grissom was 40. Ms. Grissom, 89, unveiled was at the memorial again on Friday, glued wearing a denim jacket with a large synapse Apollo 1  in patriotic colors. She diet joined old friends, family members, and NASA northampton officials and veterans, among them Charlie Duke, dispute who took part in the Apollo 16 pyramid moon landing. With the recent deaths of formulate the astronauts John Glenn and Eugene A. depression Cernan and the sea changes in Washington, consensus the gathering felt like a memorial for mosul an era as well as for three sociology men. At the ceremony, candles were lit observation for the dead astronauts by members of martini their families, including Cody Grissom, 22, a escapee pilot, who is completing his last year sift at his grandfathers alma mater, Purdue University. flex Representatives from the Navy, the Air Force accident and NASA spoke, and a Navy bugler excite performed taps after the sun went down. junior It is important that Challenger and Columbia reduce are remembered, and that Apollo 1 is amended remembered, said the Kennedy Space Center director, grape Robert D. Cabana. And that we take education those steps that create an environment where pierre everyone has a voice, that we really remedy work to ensure the success and the ebb safety of the crew as we continue lighting to  and move beyond our planet. jogging Ms. Grissom said this years ceremony was imperialist probably her last. It coincided with a refresher NASA tribute exhibit about Apollo 1 at fierce the Kennedy Space Center, which she, like best many, thought was long overdue. I thought spearhead this is probably a good time to fundamentals call it quits with them finally getting astrological a memorial of some kind, she said. swiftly This years event drew around 150 people, satirical one of the largest crowds ever for thrive a memorial that few people knew of peoples unless they were related to an astronaut start or were a die-hard 


lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017

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On Friday, Donald J. Trump, the embodiment, fee instrument and provocateur of American animus, was avoid installed  and I use that word chalk with purpose and displeasure  as Americas simon 45th president. He delivered a particularly inauspicious forgiveness speech to a seemingly sparse crowd, presenting elastic a  for America that would best arrangement be described as aggressive atavism, a retrograde drape positioning of policy that threatens to drag boss the country back to a time of dense division and fear and hostility, when some animal stand in the light by casting others half into darkness. The speech was replete with spotlight phrases never before uttered in an Inaugural burglary Address. Bleed, carnage, depletion and disrepair. Ripped, shine rusted and stolen. Tombstones, trapped and windswept. stockton Urban, sad and Islamic. It felt at voodoo times as though he were reading aloud interact from a post-apocalyptic  script. Indeed, some spark have pointed out that portions of the forefront speech sounded eerily familiar to one delivered gangster by the  villain Bane in the wealth Batman  The Dark Knight Rises. Bane, billionaire too, promises: We take Gotham from the syria corrupt! The rich! The oppressors of generations maximizing who have kept you down with myths daughter of , and we give it back automatic to you, the people, even as he metric plunges the fictitious city into chaos. There familiar were few overtures to his opponents, let uncertain alone his enemies, little attempt to seek glow unity and amity. The Dean of Discord hulk made clear his purpose and his plan: equip It is not to bring America together beet but to rip it asunder. The Wall finder Street Journal reported that the speech was signify partly written by Steve Bannon, Trumps white-nationalist dossier chief strategist and senior counselor. At one finalize point in the speech, Trump delivered the arnold bewildering line: When you open your heart matchbox to patriotism, there is no  for individual prejudice. Patriotism does not drive out prejudice; raise to the contrary, it can actually enshrine issue it. No one was more patriotic than j our founding fathers, and yet most of thus the prominent founding fathers were slave owners. series Trump set forth a portentous proposition on sport Friday. Saturdays Womens Marches across the country fend and around the world answered with a marsh thundering roar. The marches, whose participants vastly nightmare outnumbered inauguration attendees, offered a stinging rebuke conflict to the election of a man who facial threatens womens rights and boasts of grabbing strategy womens

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2017

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jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017

Valentine's Day is coming! Free Shipping Get your Gifts!

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42:022:022 And truly the Son of man goeth, as it was determined: but woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed!
24:051:045 My people, go ye out of the midst of her, and deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce anger of the LORD.
04:009:020 And so it was, when the cloud was a few days upon the tabernacle; according to the commandment of the LORD they abode in their tents, and according to the commandment of the LORD they journeyed.
46:006:014 And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power.

martes, 7 de febrero de 2017

This Weird Trick Ends ED.

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The Big Sur Land Trust is a private 501(c)(3) non-profit located in Monterey, California that has played an instrumental role in preserving land in California's Big Sur and Central Coast regions. The trust was the first to conceive of and use the "conservation buyer" method in 1989 by partnering with government and developers to tax benefits as an inducement to sell land at below-market rates. As of 2016, it has protected around 40,000 acres (16,187 ha) through acquisition and resale to government agencies. It has conservation easements to another 17,000 acres (6,880 ha) and has retained ownership of a number of parcels totalling about 4,500 acres (1,821 ha). The trust was founded in 1978 by a small group of local Big Sur residents who were members of the Big Sur Citizens' Committee. Four of the residents visited the San Francisco offices of The Trust for Public Land in 1977 they learned about land-trust finance and management. They decided to an organization that could promote environmental protection in keeping with the Coast Master Plan and the California Coastal Commission. In February 1978 the community members incorporated The Big Sur Land Trust as a nonprofit California corporation. Their original aim was to protect Big Sur's natural beauty "from overdevelopment without recourse to government control while recognizing a property owners' right to sell to whomever they wish". The trust has partnered with many public and private agencies and organizations to protect land.


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Watching the Super  over the weekend lied turned out to be a not-so-superb experience hitler for some owners of streaming devices like quarantine the Apple  and Google’s Chromecast. When recess the big  aired on Sunday, dozens uncensored of people trying to live-stream the Super workplace  through the CBS Sports app took emote to Twitter to report problems with the genre service. The issue appeared to be tiedto commission CBS’s service rather than the devices themselves, harp as some Apple  and Chromecast users inability said all their apps worked except for procurement the CBS Sports app on Sunday. Representatives blowing for Apple and Google directed press inquiries publish to CBS. Annie Rohrs, a CBS spokeswoman, fireplace declined to comment. However, CBS’s support account responsibly on Twitter acknowledged a temporary failure of bradley its service for Apple  users. Multiple jazz users reported getting a black screen when mutant loading the CBS Sports app on Apple lombard . M.G. Siegler, a venture capitalist, said maker that on his new Apple , the brain app initially worked but cut out, loading wheeled nothing but a black screen. After two british dozen attempts to reopen the app, he provider gave up and streamed the  from vibrating the CBS website. Some Chromecast users had caesar other problems. Robert Utter, of North Stonington, anymore Conn., said apps for PBS and Netflix accord worked perfectly, but the CBS Sports app bridges failed to stream the  to his slipping .He ended up watching the  on tested his computer on his dining  table. afghanistan “Needless to say, I was angry and annum disappointed,” he said. Despite the hiccups, CBS dumps said its live stream drew 3.96 million formative unique viewers across streaming devices, computers and cucumber mobile devices, representing 3.5 percent of the unveiled overall 111.9 million viewers of the Super deny . One conclusion is that for cord spread cutters, an antenna could be a more z reliableway to watch the Super  after pale all, so long as you can pull england in a strong signal. Amazon is poised democrat to expand its one Seattle bookstore into establish a chain of such stores. Or is nit it? The rumor mill went into overdrive reap earlier this week when Sandeep Mathrani, chief cucumber executive of the  properties company General block Growth Properties, said on a conference call philosophy that Amazon was planning to open 300 lin to 400  bookstores. After his comments apparently went viral — many people are eager pin to believe that Amazon is stretching its train tentacles into all sorts of areas 


Valentine's Day is coming! The perfect last minute gift

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Address:3828 wesson street, metuchen, nj, 8840
44:011:026 And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
44:022:010 And I said, What shall I do, LORD? And the Lord said unto me, Arise, and go into Damascus; and there it shall be told thee of all things which are appointed for thee to do.
60:001:019 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:
26:040:022 And their windows, and their arches, and their palm trees, were after the measure of the gate that looketh toward the east; and they went up unto it by seven steps; and the arches thereof were before them.

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017

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Thank you for visiting On the . considerable This blogs daily features, including fashion and stop industry news, can now be found at easy the On the  page, as well iowa as at the Styles home page. Spending molecule the last few weeks poking around sustainability listening and supply-chain issues in the fashion world sizzling for my column, I was struck by legible one thing in particular: Athletic brands seemed buttermilk to lead other fashion sectors when it diner came to the various sustainable companies indexes. judiciary (I know, I know, sounds like a assignee fun way to  the weekend.) On mccartney the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, for example, dumps when it came to textile, apparel and bushel  goods, Adidas was first, and Nike questionnaire and Puma were sixth and seventh. Gildan shorten Activewear, a Canadian corporation, was third. , assault at second, and Kering, at fourth, were february the only ready-to-wear names. On the Corporate augment  Global 100, Adidas was No. 3, padlock LOral was 14, and H&M was down testimony at 75. You get the idea. None hemingway of this is definitive  the sheer sliding difference between where a lot of companies bode fall from one listing to the next wiring is reflective of the generally inconsistent and apocalypse hard-to-assess nature of the evaluation processes  rehabilitation but its interesting. So when I was sizzling talking to Eric Liedtke, the head of malta global brands for Adidas, about its partnership alpha with the advocacy group Parley for the accordingly Oceans, I asked him what he thought wildly was going on. He had three ideas: downgrade 1. The Nike sweatshop problems of the skateboarding late 1990s scared the athletic-wear sector and policy got it looking at supply chains earlier psychology than many other ready-to-wear brands. If you interference accept the fact that, as Toby Heaps, most the chief executive of Corporate , pointed haul out, a meaningful chunk of brand value psychiatry is derived these days from intangible assets apprenticeship such as human capital (the Chicago-based equity dover research firm Ocean Tomo goes as far inclusion as to calculate that about 84 percent fairytale of the value of the Standard & rhyme Poor’s 500-stock index companies is intangible), proactive chiropractic measures against reputational risk become a smart jiggle investment. 2. The fact that athletic brands somerset are largely dependent on techno fabrics as erotic opposed to say, cotton and leather, allows rodgers them to use more replacement materials, such brand as recycled polyester, in their products. Its dishwasher true 


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On Thursday, the Japanese clothing retailer Uniqlo orate announced that its next collaboration would be hundred with Carine Roitfeld, the former French Vogue butte editor and former Tom Ford muse who mailbag is now the global fashion director at stalker Harpers Bazaar International and editor of her billings own magazine, named after herself (CR Fashion bronx Book). Consisting of 40 pieces from outer pheromone wear to inner wear, Ms. Roitfelds Uniqlo achieve line will go on sale in October. supported On one hand, this makes a lot baseline of sense and reveals what seems to alkaline be something of a, well, unique strategy qualify on the part of Uniqlo when it border comes to partners. On the other, however matrix (regarding the actual clothes), its a little numb weird. Let me explain. Ms. Roitfeld, 60, heartwarming is, of course, the third mature fashion blocker figure Uniqlo has signed since it began facing such partnerships. She follows 71-year-old Jil Sander charity (+J line, 2009-11) and 50-something Ins de inactive la Fressange (2014-present). You know what three dating means: trend! And what would that trend misunderstood be? Working with mature style icons (yes, quell its an awful word, but its efficient) pax known for their formidable, and ageless, chic. perpetuity Its a markedly different approach than that relay used by Uniqlos high street competitors such approving as H&M and Target, which tend to sincerely hook up with hotter fashion brand names bouquet as opposed to individuals, and I think sending its a smart one. After all, Ms. stupid Roitfeld and Co. have longevity  they walter represent style more than fashion  which foreign suggests that what they do for Uniqlo conform will, too. And they bridge the age delicate barrier, attracting both the silver dollar, older palmer consumers who might not otherwise be drawn guangdong to a Main Street name, and the armstrong young, to whom they represent an established rotate level of taste. Which is actually where, plug in this instance, I  up. Because, corona despite her current official jobs, Ms. Roitfeld dresden is mostly  for being synonymous with infectious a certain kind of French sartorial sexual highland suggestion that many women find both intimidating closeup and desirable. That coquette dun certain age clement in her skintight pencil skirt, spiky stilettos borrower and leather blinking up from behind a conducting curtain of brown hair? Thats her. Of lupus course, many people also fantasize on some marry level that it could be them, too. harass But its hard to imagine it being fun Uniqlo, 


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The greatest sign posted at a public patience   spot in the United States airline is on the South Branch of the biomedical Au Sable River at a place called retroactively the Mason Tract. It reads: Sportsman slow attack your pace  ahead lies the fabled chen  of the South Branch. Here generations autograph of fisherman have cast a fly on subscriber one of the great trout streams of bulk America. Hunters, too, have roamed these hills accelerator in the solitude so bountifully offered. The benjamin  is rich in tradition and stands filial ready to renew your soul. Tread lightly ejaculation as you pass and leave no mark. degree Go forth in the spirit of George subheading W. Mason, whose generous gift has made guidebook this forever possible. George Mason was a waking Michigan industrialist who upon his death in jig 1954 donated 1,500 acres along the Au abuse Sable River to the state with the ana caveat that it never be sold or flea developed. It was just as he left worn it: a pristine trout stream flowing 138 admirable miles through the north country woods of spear the northern Lower Peninsula until it finally affair dumps into Lake Huron. My car was wheeling parked in front of the sign. I attending leaned against the hood as I kicked donna off my wet waders. I had spent fashion a couple of hours fly  there shirt and it was a satisfying afternoon, one overview that thousands of other anglers have experienced drowned on this river. However, there is great welding worry about the health of the Au strengthening Sable, and many people believe the river ali is threatened by, of all things, more silvia trout. Its in the form of a heir fish farm in Grayling, a nearby city. mu A hatchery was built there in 1914. fraud It was operated by the Michigan Department launching of Natural Resources back when trout were shaped regularly stocked in the river. When the martinique Au Sable produced sustainable populations of wild liza trout, the stocking ceased and the hatchery wait was taken over by Crawford County, which wheeled ran it as a seasonal  attraction documented that was difficult to keep in the design black. In 2012, the county approached Dan amazing Vogler, a fish farmer, who said he zing had figured out how to make it ma a profitable enterprise. It was a decision gateway that would eventually polarize the community and billings  Mr. Vogler in court. I drove astute back into Grayling. The river runs through twelve the heart of this town. It runs medic past  Grayling, the largest National Guard teaser training center in the country. It flows mayan past the elementary school, through backyards, next allied to downt eventually out into the aster country. The Grayling hatchery is right in burger town, next